Timetable Entries


Will return information an array of Timetable Entries for a given timetable ID.

Parameter Required Example Description
timetable_idYes1The ID of a particular timetable. To get the ID you need to query a site to see which timetables have been created.
fromDateNo2012-02-29The first date to get Timetable Entries from. Defaults to the current date if not present.
numberOfDaysNo7The amount of days to get Timetable Entries For from the fromDate, 1 is for the current day. Defaults to 1 if not present. Maximum 7 days including the fromDate.
Response: An Array of Timetable Entry Objects
Object Always present Description
idYesThe ID of the Timetable Entry.
start_timeYesThe time the Timetable Entry begins.
end_timeYesThe time the Timetable Entry ends.
dateYesThe date the Timetable Entry occurs on.
dayYesThe day name that the Timetable Entry occurs on.
term_typeYesThe calendar period the Timetable Entry appears on. Term/Holiday/Special Event
is_cancelledYesHas the Timetable Entry been cancelled?
cancellation_reasonNoThe reason the Timetable Entry was cancelled.
timetable_sessionYesThe Timetable Session of the Timetable Entry.
facilityNoThe Facility that the Timetable Entry occurs at.
instructorNoInstructor information for the Timetable Entry.
levelYesThe difficulty level associated with the Timetable Entry.
ttentry_foreign_keyYesThe CMS Booking code of the Timetable Entry. Can be blank or null.
  "meta": {
    "X-RateLimit-Limit": 0,
    "X-RateLimit-Remaining": 0,
    "status": 200,
    "api_client": "",
    "locale": "en-gb"
  "response": [
